
Learn about our brand and product featured colors.

Version 1.0
Brand Colors

Castle features 2 core colors to represent the brand. Only use Flag Sky for situations where the brand needs to be placed on a dark background, otherwise use the Uniform Navy color as the default choice.

Uniform Navy

R12 G32 B83
C28 M20 Y0 K67
Pantone 2758 C

Flag Sky

R186 G225 B255
C27 M12 Y0 K0
Pantone 290 C
Gradient Fills

Use these gradient fills to add depth and extra visual styling to backgrounds and text elements. The Floral Ripple gradient should only be used to stylelize heading and small elements such as icons or brandmark. Typically speaking, gradient fills are mostly reserved for marketing and not featured in the product.

Brand Gradient

#101524 0%
#242E60 50%
#334F96 100%

Snow Gradient

#E2E7FF 0%
#DBE5FF 35%
#FFFFFF 100%

Foil Gradient

#90cbf0 0%
#b3aaff 50%
#f3b4ff 100%
Secondary colors

These secondary colors provides flexibility and variety to the brand. Use these colors sparingly and to only highlight specific elements. These accent colors can also be particularly useful for highlighting chapter headings text elements.

Peach Orange


Baby Blue


Play Doh Pink


Candy Purple


Leaf Yellow


Gum Green
