Learn about Castle's typography standard.
Söhne is designed by Klim foundry and it is Castle’s standard font. There are 3 weights available to choose from. The Buch weight is reserved for subheading and body paragraph text, where as the Kraftig is for headings only. For bolding or for text that is 12pts or smaller, the Halbfett weight is suitable.
Halbfett 600
There are two ways you can style headings, gradient and basic. The gradient style should be used when extra emphasize is needed. Headlines have a compressed letter spacing of -.8ems. Please refer to the color section to see reference of the colors.
Gradient Heading
Basic Heading
For multi-row headlines use the following triangular boundary as a guide for where you should apply your line break. Generally speaking, avoid having headlines that exceed more than two rows.
Q. What about for subheadings and paragraphs?
The same rule can be applied for paragraphs and subheadings however only apply this rule if your copy comfortably exceeds over 16 words. This is a general rule and should only be applied when appropriate.
Here are some examples of typographic pairing that we commonly use on our marketing website. The chapter, heading, and subheading make up the header block. The chapter heading is a 2-3 word high-level description of the page.
Highlights are a useful bite-size piece of information about a feature. These are usually accompanied with an icon and made up of a heading and a description text elements (link is optional). As a general rule, try keep the length of your description under 5 rows.
Main page heading
maximum of two rows
This subhead is an example of subheading paragraph
text to support the main heading.
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